Life Situations, Emotions, and Backache

Patterns of skeletal muscular activity were studied in 65 patients with backache syndrome and in 10 subjects without this disability. Action potentials were recorded from the skeletal muscles of the torso and extremities, and this data was correlated with a rating by the patient of the amt. of pain he was experiencing. The patterns of muscular action potentials brought into play as a result of simple movements were also investigated. It was found that in backache patients there was a generalized participation of distant muscle groups, while in non-backache subjects there was a conservation of muscular activity. An interview bringing out hostility and conflict in the backache patients also elicited increased motor and electrical activity of the skeletal muscles. "The genesis of the backache syndrome appears related to the inappropriate utilization of a protective reaction pattern involving the participation of the skeletal musculature in an "action" pattern of behavior designed to facilitate attempts at interpersonal and social adjustments.".

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