A Re-Examination of One-Trial Blocking in Conditioned Suppression

Three experiments on the conditioned suppression of licking in rats examined the amount of conditioning produced by a single conditioning trial to a clicker-light compound and the effect of prior conditioning to the light on the level of conditioning to the clicker. In Experiment I, prior conditioning to the light, far from blocking conditioning to the clicker, actually enhanced it, whether the clicker was presented in a simultaneous compound with the light or in a serial compound preceding the light. Experiment II, however, showed that this potentiation effect could be abolished if a trace interval was inserted between the clicker and light in the serial compound arrangement. Moreover, Experiment III demonstrated a significant blocking effect when a trace interval separated the clicker and light on the single compound trial. These results establish that one-trial blocking of conditioned suppression is possible, and suggest that in some earlier studies blocking may have been masked by higher-order conditioning to the target stimulus.