Renormalization-group study of the critical end point in4−εdimensions

The phase diagrams of a variety of physical systems, among them certain antiferromagnets and ternary fluid mixtures, may include a critical line intersecting a line of first-order transitions at a critical end point rather than at the familiar tricritical point. At the critical end point the order parameter has critical fluctuations in the paramagnetic phase and a finite jump. Within Landau theory this phenomenon appears with the introduction of a negative φ6 coupling; here we extend that theory to include fluctuations by a momentum-shell renormalization-group analysis close to four dimensions. In previous real-space analyses the critical end point was associated with a new fixed point. In contrast, the Wilson-Fisher fixed point which characterizes the entire critical line describes the critical end point here. We derive the O(ε) corrections to the mean-field exponents which, in Landau theory, describe the approach to the critical end point from high temperatures. At the same time, the discontinuity in φ at the critical end point predicted by Landau theory is essentially unaltered by fluctuations. It emerges from a renormalization-group calculation of the Gibbs free energy for the Ginzburg-Landau-Wilson model with a negative φ6 term and a positive φ8 term.