Factors related to prognosis in 116 cases were studied, and the literature reviewed. Patients with Hodgkin''s paragranuloma and giant follicle lymphoma had longer average survivals than those with other lymphomas. No other histological subclassification was of as much prognostic significance. While difficulties in classification, coexistence of different types of lymphoma, or change in type sometimes limited the usefulness of histological subclassification, they did not invalidate it. Localized disease had the best prognosis and widespread disease the poorest. Survival was quite varied for intermediate stages. Patients with Hodgkin s disease under 45 had a better prognosis than older patients, but this was not true for lymphosarcoma. Women with Hodgkin''s disease had a longer average survival than men, but some of the longest survivors were men. A year of good remission from initial therapy was an excellent indication of a good prognosis. An incomplete response or prompt relapse were unfavorable signs.