1. The fertilising abilities of freshly‐diluted and frozen and thawed fowl semen were compared by inseminating a wide range (0.2 to 1600×106) of doses of spermatozoa. 2. These data demonstrated that there was a non‐linear relationship between numbers of spermatozoa and the probability of fertilisation. 3. It was concluded that a typical fertility trial, which assesses the percentage of fertile eggs laid by groups of hens inseminated with a fixed dose of semen, was inadequate for comparing the quality of semen samples. 4. An alternative fertility trial is described, which involves assessing the numbers of spermatozoa required to fertilise a particular percentage of eggs laid. 5. This modified method showed that the quality of frozen and thawed semen, in terms of its fertilising ability, was reduced to 1.6% of that of fresh semen.