Measurements are reported of the pressure coefficient βV=(PT)V of He4 I and He4 II along the isochore which crosses the λ line at Tλ=1.7683 °K and Pλ=29.56 atm, and of the compressibility ρκT=(ρP)T along the isotherm T=1.7683 °K, the closest points being 2.5 μdeg, 50 μatm, and 107 g/cm3 from the lambda line in temperature, pressure, and density, respectively. The data are well represented by the equations: {HeII:  βV=14.22+3.54log10(TλT),        2.4×106TλT3×103}{HeI:  βV=9.00+7.50log10(TTλ),            2.5×106TTλ6×103}{HeII:(ρκT)1=1000.4+78.9log10(ρλρ),  107ρλρ105,}{HeI:(ρκT)1=1675.0±167.2log10(ρρλ),  107ρρλ105,} where