Measurements are reported of the derivatives (dPdT)λ, (dρdT)λ, and (dρdP)λ on the lambda curve, of (dPdT)m on the melting curve, and of the pressure coefficient βv=(PT)v of the liquid very close to the upper lambda point (Tλ,Pλ,Vλ). The measurements are well represented by the equations {(dPdT)λ,=55.5496(TλTλ),  TλTλ<~12.5×103K;}{(dρdT)λ,=43.7230(TλTλ),  TλTλ<~12.5×103K;}{(dρdP)λ,=0.7868+2.8(TλTλ),  TλTλ<~12.5×103K;}{(dPdT)m,=29.43+326(TmTλ),  0<~TλTm<17×103K;}{(PT)v,=9.39+7.69 log10( TTλ),  V=Vλ,  6×105K<~TTλ<~6×103 K;} where P is in atm, T is in °K, and ρ is in mg/cm3. The temperature and pressure of the upper lambda point are Tλ=1.7633±0.0001K,  Pλ=29.84±0.02 atm. There is no evidence of a first-order transition in the solid in the temperature range 17×103K<TTλ<4.3×103K.