Magnetic properties and the crystallization of amorphous Fe75.4B14.2Si10.4

The amorphous state of ferromagnetic Fe75.4 B14.2 Si10.4 and its crystalline phases after crystallization have been studied by Mössbauer spectroscopy and magnetic-moment measurements. The average hyperfine field Hhf(T) of the amorphous state shows a temperature dependence of [Hhf(T)Hhf(0)]Hhf(0)=0.30(TTc)320.16(TTc)52 for TTc<0.7, indicative of spin-wave excitation. The quadrupole splitting just above Tc is 0.46 mm/s, whereas the average quadrupole shift below Tc is zero. The Curie and crystallization temperatures are determined to be Tc=701 K and Tx=827 K, respectively, for a heating rate of 11 K/min. The final products of crystallization are found to be Fe2B and a Fe-18.1 at.% Si alloy. The saturation magnetic moment of the amorphous state extrapolated to 0 K is found to be 2.05μBFe atom. The magnetization of the amorphous phase decreases more rapidly with reduced temperature than those of crystalline ferromagnets. This kind of rapid decrease can be described in terms of either a distribution of exchange interactions in the amorphous phase or high metalloid contents.