Binary amorphous ferromagnetic Fe80 B20 has been studied by Fe57 Mössbauer spectroscopy from 4.2 to 1050 K. In the amorphous state at temperatures less than the Curie temperature TC=685 K, the spectra of Fe80 B20 exhibit well-defined and essentially symmetric hyperfine-field distributions P(H). The analyses of P(H) were obtained by deconvoluting the spectra via a Fourier series. The shape of P(H) is practically independent of temperature. The values of the effective hyperfine field Heff(T) show a temperature dependence of Heff(0) (1BT32CT52), indicative of spin-wave excitation. The values of B=(22±2)×106 K32 and C=(1.4±0.4)×108 K52 have been determined. The value of B32=BTC32=0.4±0.05 is four times larger than those of crystalline Fe and Ni. rf sideband measurements of Fe80 B20 at several frequencies under various field strengths indicate that Fe80 B20 is highly magnetorestrictive with a magnetostriction constant of about 45 × 106, which is comparable to the value of 30 × 106 obtained from static measurements. The amorphous state of Fe80 B20 cannot be preserved near