Polarized-low-energy-electron-diffraction study of the mechanism of electron reflection from W(001) at low energies

Polarized-low-energy-electron-diffraction (PLEED) measurements on W(001) are reported for incidence conditions close to the (01) beam threshold [energies 2<E<9 eV, polar angles 15°<θ<45°, (01) azimuth]. The intensity structure I(E) on the low-energy side of the threshold is found to depend on the spin polarization of the incident electrons. For θ>25°, corresponding peaks in I(E) and I(E) are split in proportion to their width [symbols ↑ (↓) designate spin up (down) with respect to the scattering plane]. For θ<25° the splitting-to-width ratio increases, and a shoulder grows up on the low-energy side of the lowest-energy peak of I(E). The observations are explained by the superposition of reflection-amplitude contributions from "direct" or single scattering at the substrate and "indirect" processes in which the (01) beam is multiply reflected between the substrate and the surface-potential barrier. For θ>25° the differences between I(E) and I(E) derive from the spin dependence of the phase of superposition of direct and indirect amplitude terms. The main effects come from the first indirect term, which corresponds to a single reflection at the surface potential barrier. For θ<25° there are additional important contributions from higher-order indirect terms. These terms add coherently to produce a resonance perturbation of the line shape of I(E). The present results, taken together with earlier LEED results, indicate that the threshold interference mechanism is the dominant mechanism of very low-energy (