Deformation Potentials of the Indirect and Direct Absorption Edges of AlSb

The splittings and shifts of the phonon-aided indirect exciton edge (Γ15X1) of AlSb produced by uniaxial stresses along [001], [111], and [110] have been determined. These measurements were performed at 77°K, using the wavelength-modulation technique. TO-phonon-assisted transitions, not reported previously, have been identified in the spectrum of the stressed materials; they yield a TO-phonon energy at X of 42±3 meV. These measurements have also yielded the shear deformation potentials of the Γ15 valence band (b=1.35±0.1 eV and d=4.3±0.4 eV) and the X1 conduction band (E2=+5.4±0.3 eV). The hydrostatic deformation potential of the indirect edge was found to be ai=+2.2±0.2 eV. Electroreflectance measurements at room temperature of the direct edge (Γ15Γ1c) of this material under uniaxial compression along the [110] direction have also been performed. The stress-induced splitting of the Γ15 band observed in these measurements agrees with that obtained from the indirect exciton. The hydrostatic coefficient of the direct edge was found to be -5.9±1.2 eV.