Piezoresistance and Piezo-Hall Effects inn- andp-Type Aluminum Antimonide

Measurements have been made between 77 and 362°K of the effect of uniaxial compression (up to 2×108 dyn/cm2) on the resistivity and Hall coefficient of oriented single-crystal samples of n- and p-type AlSb of nondegenerate carrier concentrations. Measurements were also made at 195 and 298°K employing hydrostatic pressures up to 4.5×109 dyn/cm2. The piezoresistance results on n-type material indicate that the conduction band of AlSb is multivalleyed with valleys along 100 axes in k space. The temperature dependence of the piezoresistance coefficient π11 over most of the temperature range is explained by means of the deformation-potential theory for electron transfer with no intervalley (IV) scattering. The shear-deformation-potential constant, Ξu, is found to be given by Ξu(1+αT), where Ξu0=4.9±0.4 eV and α=(1.0±0.4)×103° K1. Between 195 and 112°K, π11 is almost independent of temperature for unknown reasons, but this behavior does not seem to be due to IV scattering. For p-type material, only π44 is found to be large and, over much of the temperature range measured, to depend on temperature as predicted by deformation-potential theory. These results, when combined with magnetoresistance results of others, indicate that AlSb has a degenerate valence-band edge similar to germanium and other III-V semiconductors. Results of the piezo-Hall-effect measurements on both n- and p-type material are in qualitative accord with the type of extrema obtained from the piezoresistance measurements.