Nucleon-nucleon scattering near 50 MeV. II. Sensitivity of variousn−pobservables to the phase parameters

In the first paper in this series, we reported on a phase-shift analysis of existing pp and np data in the energy range of 47.5 to 60.9 MeV. Two results were emphasized. The first is that the available np data leave ε1 undetermined within the range -10° to +3°, resulting in a range of phase-parameter solutions, rather than a single solution. The second result is that while ε1 is very poorly determined, δ(P11) is rather well determined, but at a value which appears to conflict not only with values obtained at adjacent energies, but also with the value (or narrow range of values) predicted by meson-theoretical models. In that paper it is reported that the Harwell np dσdΩ data are responsible for this value of δ(P11). The remaining data, consisting only of σtot data, polarization data, and other dσdΩ data, are consistent with the theoretical predictions. In this paper we look more closely at the sensitivity of experimental observables to variations in the partial-wave parameters. We extend the number of experimental observables under study to twenty, and consider the effect on these of varying seven different phase parameters: δ(S01)np, δ(S13), ε1, δ(P11), δ(D13), δ(D23), and δ(D33). We discover that the best observable to fix δ(P11) is still the differential cross section, and recommend, as in the first paper, that it be measured both at extreme forward and extreme backward angles. We also discover that the reason ε1 is very poorly determined by the present data is that neither σtot, dσdΩ, nor P is sensitive to changes in ε1. We find that the experimental observables which are sensitive to ε1 and can fix this parameter are, in order of decreasing sensitivity, Azz, Cpp, At, CKK, At, Dt, Cnn, and Axx.