Two-Photon Decays ofπ0,η0, andη′0(958)in BrokenSU(3)Symmetry

By using the current algebra and the asymptotic SU(3) symmetry imposed only on the charge operator VK, which is the SU(3) raising or lowering operator in the symmetry limit, we obtain two sum rules for the two-photon decay amplitudes of the π0, η0, and η0(958). These sum rules, which are consistent with the Gell-Mann-Okubo mass splittings of the SU(3) multiplets, exhibit an interesting interplay between the physical masses, mixing and coupling constants. For example, in the first approximation, we predict Rγγ|η0γγ|π0=(13)(1cosα)[(mη2mπ2)(mη2mη2)](13)×1.5 in place of the SU(3) prediction R=13. Here α is the ηη mixing angle. In an improved approximation, we obtain R(13)×1.7. The result indicates a significantly larger width for the η02γ decay than the SU(3) value—a conclusion that is consistent with the present experimental observation.