Electronic structures ofβ- andα-silicon nitride

The electronic energy bands of α and β phases of silicon nitride have been calculated using a first-principles orthogonalized linear combination of atomic orbitals method. The potential is constructed from a superposition of atomic charge densities. The basis functions are the atomiclike wave functions contracted from the site-decomposed atomiclike potentials. For βSi3N4, detailed studies of augmenting the basis functions with Si d orbitals and additional single Gaussian orbitals for both Si and N atoms, and for the pressurized structure are also performed. The valence bands are composed of mainly N orbitals and the conduction bands are dominated by Si orbitals. It is found that the inclusion of Si d orbitals in the basis has little effect on the valence-band structures, but changes conduction bands substantially. The electronic structure of βSi3N4 under pressure up to 29.1 kbars has no appreciable difference from that of ordinary βSi3N4. Furthermore, the density of states of αSi3N4 is very similar to that of βSi3N4. All these indicate that the electronic structure of silicon nitride is completely determined by the local short-range atomic structures.