The neutron-transfer reaction, N14(N14,N13)N15, was investigated from 6° to 60° c.m. with 28-Mev N14 ions accelerated in the Oak Ridge 63-inch cyclotron. Circular strips of aluminum foil, each encompassing a known angular increment, were used to stop the radioactive N13 (10-min). Excited states in N13 are unstable with respect to proton emission; the first excited state in N15 is 5.28 Mev above ground. Therefore, N13 nuclei resulting from transfers to the ground state of N15 are at least 5 Mev more energetic than those resulting from transfers to N15 excited states. The two groups of N13 particles were distinguished by placing suitable absorbers in front of the aluminum catcher foils. It was found that transfers to excited states become more abundant relative to ground state transfers as the incident N14 energy is lowered.