Neutron-Transfer Reactions from the Nitrogen Bombardment of Be, C, O, Na, andMg24,25,26

Excitation functions were measured for neutron-transfer reactions yielding N13 from the nitrogen bombardment of Be, C, O, Na, Mg24, Mg25, and Mg26. At the maximum incident energy of 27.5 Mev, the cross section varies from 0.14 mb for oxygen to 2.8 mb for magnesium-25. Nitrogen-13 was separated chemically from the targets and counted as ammonium tetraphenylboron. The chemical method was checked by measuring yields of both reaction products, N13 and Mg27, in the reaction Mg26(N14,N13)Mg27. By plotting the transfer cross sections as a function of E*=Ec.m.Ebarrier+Q, a systematic behavior of all the cross sections is displayed.