Baryon-baryon scattering in a one-boson-exchange-potential approach. II. Hyperon-nucleon scattering

From a combined analysis of nucleon-nucleon and hyperon-nucleon scattering with a one-boson-exchange potential model the ΛN and ΣN results are presented. The model consists of local potentials due to exchanges of members of the pseudoscalar and vector-meson nonets and the scalar meson ε taken as a unitary singlet. The multichannel Schrödinger equation is solved in configuration space with phenomenological hard-core potentials at short distances. The coupling constants are calculated via SU(3) with the coupling constants of the NN analysis as input. Charge-symmetry breaking between the Λp and Λn channels is included. A least-squares fit to the low-energy Λp, Σ+p, and Σp data yields a very satisfactory result. Predictions up to the pion production threshold are given, and, whenever possible, compared to the experimental data.