Conditions under which a Laplace transform L{F(t)}=f(s) may be analytically continued, by means of an asymptotic expansion of F, outside the half plane of convergence of the Laplace transform integral are investigated. For t > k define RNby F(t)=t−β{∑n=oNant−n+RN(t)} for some fixed β with Re β < 1 and suppose that F is integrable on [0, k) for some k ≥ 0. First, it is shown that if RN(t) = O{N!(σ/t)N+1} uniformly in N and t > k for some σ > 0, then the singular part of f at s = 0 can be determined in terms of ai. If β is an integer, then in some neighborhood of s = 0 it is shown that L{F(t)}=sβ−1i=0−βaiΓ(1−i−β)si+(log s)g(s)+h(s) , where g and h are analytic at s = 0 and g(s)=∑i=1(−1)iai−βsi−1/(i−1) !. If β is not an integer, in some neighborhood of s = 0 it is shown that L{F(t)}=sβ−1g(s)+h(s) , where g(s)=∑i=0aiΓ(1−i−β)si , with g and h analytic at s = 0. Second, if the estimate on RN(t) holds uniformly in N and in the complex t plane in the region (|t|>k)∩(|arg t|<(12π)+λ) for some λ > 0, then the analytic continuation of f can be determined in terms of the ai. For any k′ > k and for |arg s| < π we have L{F(t)}=∫0k′e−stF(t)dt+∫0a(t)Γ(2−β,k′(s+t))(s+t)β−2 dt , where Γ is the incomplete gamma function and a(t) is the analytic continuation of i=0aiti/i !. If k = 0 in the hypotheses, then with a slight further restriction on F(t) one has L{F(t)}=Γ(2−β)∫0a(t)(s+t)β−2 dt . A generalization and application to a problem in nonrelativistic dispersion theory which includes a Coulomb potential are discussed.