Parity ofBe11

Two measurements have been made which are relevant to the parity of Be11. In one experiment the gamma-ray spectrum from a mixed source of 13.6-sec Be11 and 7.4-sec N16 activities was examined with a 3-mm-thick lithium-drifted germanium detector having an experimental linewidth of 13 keV for 6-MeV gamma rays. Based on a calibration from lines due to the 6.132- and 7.116-MeV gamma rays in the decay of N16, the 6.8-MeV gamma ray in the decay of Be11 has an energy of 6.792±0.006 MeV. This is in agreement with the excitation energy of the ½+ or 32+ upper member of the 6.752-6.804-MeV doublet in B11. In the other experiment a magnetic pair spectrometer measurement was made on the ground-state and first-excited-state transitions from the B11 7.99-MeV level as excited in the Be9(He3, p)B11 reaction. It was shown that these transitions are E1, thereby requiring even parity for the 7.99-MeV state, and that the spin of the state is 32. Since the beta-ray transitions of Be11 to the 6.804- and 7.99-MeV levels of B11 are both known to have allowed logft values, the parity of Be11 is even.