Beta Decay ofBe11

Be11 has been made in the reaction B11(n, p)Be11 and its radiations have been studied with plastic and NaI(Tl) scintillation spectrometers both singly and in coincidence. The half-life as determined from measurements on both beta rays and gamma rays is 13.57±0.15 sec. Decay takes place by beta-ray emission to the ground state of B11 (61%, logft=6.77, βmax=11.48 Mev), to the 2.14-Mev first excited state (29%, logft=6.63), to the 6.76-6.81-Mev doublet (6.5%, logft=5.93) and to the 7.99-Mev level (4.1%, logft=5.53). Limits are set on the decay to several other levels, particularly those at 4.46 and 5.03 Mev (≤0.2%). Gamma rays of 2.121, 4.64, 5.86, 6.76, and 7.97 Mev are observed both singly and in coincidence with beta-ray branches. An energy separation Be11-B11=11.48±0.15 Mev is derived from the various beta and gamma-ray energy measurements. It is concluded that the assignment J=12 for Be11, as expected from the shell model, is possible but cannot be established firmly on the basis of the present evidence.