Brillouin scattering studies of KH2PO4, CsH2A2SO4and the deuterated ferroelectric crystals

The Brillouin scattering from shorted and free KH2PO4, KD2PO4,CsH2AsO4 and CsD2AsO4 single crystals as function of temperature has been studied for the (x + z)[y, (x + z)] (-x + z) scattering geometry. The results indicate a strong coupling between the acoustic shear mode, which is related to the elastic constant CE66, and the ferroelectric soft mode. The temperature dependence of the Brillouin shifted frequencies could be computer fitted with Curie-Weiss law. The elastic moduli CE66 and the elasto-optic (Pockels') coefficients PE66 have been determined as a function of temperature. The differences in the Curie temperature obtained between the shorted and free crystals are similar to those obtained for the clamped and free dielectric measurements.