Ordering in fcc lattices with first- and second-neighbor interactions

A prototype phase diagram for the 1120 family of the ordered superstructures in fcc lattices is calculated in the tetrahedron-octahedron approximation of the cluster variation method. The tetrahedron-octahedron cluster combination allows for first- and second-neighbor interactions, both essential for the 1120 superstructures to be ground states. Calculations are carried out for positive (antiferromagnetic) nearest-neighbor pair interactions and for a ratio of second- to first-neighbor interaction energies of 0.25. Salient features of the resulting phase diagram are tricritical points in the fcc to A2B2 and the fcc to A3B transitions, and the presence of a bicritical point at the junction of the A2B2 and A3B critical lines with the A2B2 to A3B first-order transition line. The A2B phase of the 1120 family is found to be stable at relatively low temperatures and in a very narrow composition range. Stability of the disordered state is investigated in k space and the 1120 ordering spinodal is determined.