The Potentiation of Tetanus Toxin by Broth and Serum

The potentiation of tetanus toxin by nutricn broth and blood serum has been investigated quantitatively. In guinea pigs and mice, the toxin may be potentiated 64 times by blood serum and 32 times by broth. Broth, even in a dilution 1:1000, still has a marked potentiating effect. Tetanus toxin is potentiated by neither of these substances in rabbits and cats. While the majority of toxins are strongly potentiated, a minority are not potentiated. Although no satisfactory explanation of the potentiation phenomenon is available, it could be definitely shown that broth and serum do not act merely by protecting the toxin from destruction in saline. The significance of the results for the titration of tetanus toxins under various conditions is discussed.