Quantum-Confined Stark Effect in a Parabolic-Potential Quantum Well

Quantum-confined Stark effect in parabolic quantum well (PQW) has been analyzed both analytically and numerically. Analytical studies have revealed that the fundamental absorption edge shift in PQWs is proportional to the square of the well width, and that the Stark shift in PQWs is independent of the particle mass. From numerical calculations, it has been confirmed that PQW structure enables us more easily than rectangular quantum well to obtain the absorption-type optical waveguide switches whose characteristics are nearly polarization-independent, and that PQW is also advantageous if we intend to obtain the polarization-independent changes in the refractive index with low field and over a wide wavelength region. In addition, an equivalent PQW structure has been fabricated, and the mass-independent Stark shift of the PQW has been observed for the first time.