Measurement of theO16(n, p)N16Cross Section from 11 to 19 MeV

The present experiment was undertaken to improve upon the accuracy and energy resolution of the O16(n, p)N16 cross section and to extend the neutron energy range covered. The oxygen was contained in a dioxane liquid scintillator which was irradiated by accelerator-produced neutrons. Shaped holders were used at appropriate angles from the target to obtain good energy resolution for neutrons produced by both T(d, n)He4 and D(t, n)He4 reactions. After the irradiation the scintillator was automatically transferred to a 4π β-counting system. The resulting cross section data exhibit a previously undetermined resonance near 11.8 MeV. Integration of the experimental cross sections over U235 fission spectrum formulations yield values of 16 to 19 μb per neutron.