Synthesis and Growth of Gallium Nitride by the Chemical Vapor Reaction Process (CVRP)

A new process for synthesis and bulk crystal growth of GaN is described. GaN single crystal c-plane platelets up to 9mm by 2mm by 100μm thick have been grown by the Chemical Vapor Reaction Process (CVRP). The reaction between gallium and a nitrogen precursor is produced by sublimation of solid ammonium chloride in a carrier gas, which passes over gallium at a temperature of approximately 900°C at near atmospheric pressures. Growth rates for the platelets were 25-100 μm/hr in the hexagonal plane. Seeded growth in the c-direction was also accomplished by re-growth on previously grown c-plane platelets. The crystals were characterized by X-ray diffractometry, atomic force microscopy, secondary ion mass spectrometry, inert gas fusion, and room temperature Hall effect and resistivity measurements.