The Standing Crop of Fish in Lakes

To determine whether certain environmental factors may affect standing crop, an analysis was made, primarily by regression methods, of the published estimates of standing crops of fish in lakes and ponds. Standing crop estimates derived by draining and those by poisoning appear to be equally accurate, but marking and recovery estimates may not be directly comparable with the other two. Average standing crops in river backwaters and oxbows were almost 500 pounds per acre; in midwestern reservoirs, almost 400 pounds per acre; in other reservoirs and ponds, 200 to 300; in warm-water lakes, 125 to 150; and in trout lakes, less than 50 pounds per acre.No correlation could be shown between areas of lakes or ponds and their standing crops per acre. There was a tendency for standing crop per acre to decrease with increase in maximum depth of trout lakes, of warm-water lakes, and probably of reservoirs. Significant increase in standing crop per acre with increase in carbonate content of the water was found in trout lakes, warm-water lakes and midwestern reservoirs.Elton's pyramid of numbers was demonstrated in an analysis of standing crop per acre by species. Competition between species at the same food level may be mitigated by habitat segregation. Standing crop per acre increases as the number of species increases or as the niches are filled. However, standing crops of given species were usually highest when only one or two species were present. Regressions of the standing crops of one species upon those of other species may give clues as to the degree of competition or of protocooperation, but these clues must be critically evaluated since the regressions may be due to factors other than the presence of the other species.