Plant Triose Phosphate Isomerase Isozymes

We report the first complete purifications of the cytosolic and plastid isozymes of triose phosphate isomerase (TPI; EC from higher plants including spinach (Spinacia oleracea), lettuce (Lactuca sativa), and celery (Apium graveolens). Both isozymes are composed of two isosubunits with approximate molecular weight of 27,000; in spinach and lettuce the plastid isozyme is 200 to 400 larger than the cytosolic isozyme. The two isozymes, purified from lettuce, had closely similar amino acid compositions with the exception of methionine which was four times more prevalent in the cytosolic isozyme. Partial amino acid sequences from the N-terminus were also obtained for both lettuce TPIs. Nine of the 13 positions sequenced in the two proteins had identical amino acid residues. The partial sequences of the plant proteins showed high similarity to previously sequenced animal TPIs. Immunological studies, using antisera prepared independently against the purified plastid and cytosolic isozymes from spinach, revealed that the cytosolic isozymes from a variety of species formed an immunologically distinct group as did the plastid isozymes. However, both plastid and cytosolic TPIs shared some antigenic determinants. The overall similarity of the two isozymes and the high similarity of their partial amino acid sequences to those of several animals indicate that TPI is a very highly conserved protein.