Mixing in superconducting weak links : numerical calculations and experimental results

We report here numerical calculations on the properties of superconducting weak links as mixers with external local oscillators (LO). Our calculations are based on the resistively shunted-junction model. We assume that the LO and the signal are ideal current sources of amplitudes ILO and IS and of frequencies ωLO and ωs, respectively. We calculate the IF voltage across the weak link as a function of the bias current, the LO current amplitude ILO, and the normalized signal frequency Ωs = ħωs/(2 e Ic R), where Ic is the critical current and R is the shunt resistance. If ωIF/ωLO and Is/Ic are small, we find a linear IF response. Using this method we find the frequency dependence of the IF response, estimate the conversion efficiency for the matched case in both the absence and the presence of noise, and calculate the required LO power. We have fabricated thin-film constrictions by using electron lithography. We have made constrictions of indium films with thicknesses of ~ 1 200 A with widths as narrow as 2 000 A and lengths as short as 1 000 A and have studied their I-V characteristics in the presence of RF radiation and measured their X-band mixing properties. We have measured an NEP of 10-13 W/Hz1/2 and a dynamic range of 23 dB (3 dB deviation from linearity) and estimate that, with optimum matching, these would become 3 × 10-18 W/Hz1/2 and 74 dB, respectively