Assignment of most genes encoding major peroxisomal polypeptides to chromosomal band V of the asporogenic yeastCandida tropicalis

The peroxisomes of the asporogenic yeast Candida tropicalis contain about 20 major polypeptides (PXPs). We have isolated a number of genes encoding them; 11 POX genes encoded independent PXPs and three POY genes were likely to encode three other PXPs. To locate these genes on the chromosomes, chromosomes of C. tropicalis were separated by pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis. Eight chromosomal bands were observed over the range of 1·0 Mbp (band I) to 2·8 Mbp (band VIII); the genome size was estimated to be about 20 Mbp. Southern blot analysis showed that ten genes were on band V, three genes were on band IV, and the other gene was on band VI. Three genes gave hybridization signals of nearly equal intensity on two different chromosomal bands: POX6A and POX8B, on bands V and VII; and POX8A, on bands IV and VI. Ribosomal RNA genes also hybridized to two bands, VI and VII. Most genes assigned to only one band hybridized to two restriction fragments produced by either NotI or SfiI endonuclease. The results suggested that C. tropicalis was diploid and that restriction sites were conserved little between homologues. The three POX genes that were found on two chromosomal bands hybridized to not more than two restriction fragments, implying that the allelic genes were present on different chromosomal bands.