Quadrupole Moments of Odd-Neutron Nuclei; Spin and Moments of 14-YearCd113m

The nuclear spin and hfs in the (5s5p)P13 state of 14-year Cd113m have been measured by the optical double-resonance technique. The isotope was produced by the reaction Cd112(n, γ)Cd113m. After irradiation, the Cd113m was separated from the Cd112 with an electromagnetic mass separator. The nuclear spin I, and the hfs separations are: I=112; ν(132112)=4310.572(5) Mc/sec; ν(11292)=3949.625(7) Mc/sec. The hfs coupling constants, corrected to second order for interaction with the P23 and P03 states, are: A(113m)=686.0425(8) Mc/sec; B(113m)=+169.047(9) Mc/sec. If we neglect nuclear structure and quadrupole shielding effects, the nuclear moments are: μ(113m)=1.08885(13)μN; Q(113m)=0.79(10) b. The ratio of the Cd113m and Cd109 quadrupole moments is Q(113m)Q(109)=1.02371(4); this result is independent of the shielding corrections. The spin and magnetic moment are consistent with a (2d52)6(1g72)8(1h112)1 neutron assignment with some configuration mixing. We compare the observed quadrupole moments in cadmium and other spherical odd-neutron nuclei (A189<A<210) with predictions of the shell model, including configuration mixing, and with the quasiparticle model of Kisslinger and Sorensen. In addition, we show that the semiempirical formula Q=[(2j+12N)(2j+2)]Q0(Z) accurately predicts the quadrupole-moment ratios for the isotopes of several elements. We find that Q0(Z) exhibits strongly oscillatory dependence on the nuclear charge Z with minima near the magic proton numbers. We suggest that Q0(Z) may be interpreted in terms of the quadrupolar polarizability of the proton core.