Ionized Electron Centers in Alkali Halide Crystals

New optical-absorption bands in alkali halide crystals are attributed to transitions of ionized F-aggregate centers. These bands are produced by cooling crystals containing F-aggregate centers to liquid-helium temperature and exposing them first to x rays and then to near-ultraviolet light. The x-ray exposure introduces trapped-hole centers, namely, VK and H. Optical excitation at the spectral region of the overlapping VK and H bands results in a decrease of both F-aggregate center and VKH absorption, and the production of the new bands in the near infrared. In KCl and KBr containing M centers, the M band transforms with a fixed ratio to bands at 1.40 and 1.49 μ, respectively. This ratio is also maintained in the restoration of the M band with subsequent F-light exposure. When optical dichroism is initially present in the M bands, the same dichroism appears in the new bands following the transformation process. These bands have been indentified as transitions of the F2+ center. For crystals containing R centers, a one-to-one correspondence of R bands with a new near-infrared band attributed to the F3+ center is similarly observed. In KCl this band strongly overlaps the spectral position of the N1 and at 0.96 μ. In KBr the F3+ transition lies at 1.02 μ and is clearly resolved from the N1 band which apparently peaks at 1.07 μ. There is evidence to indicate that F3+ centers are also produced at room temperature as a result of either x-ray exposure of a virgin crystal or bleaching with F light of an additively colored crystal. For KCl and KBr crystals containing relatively large R and N bands, x-ray and near-uv exposure also results in the production of additional bands. First, a new absorption band is superimposed on the F2+ transition. The origin of this band is not known. Second, a band forms at 1.67 μ in KCl and 1.80 μ in KBr in crystals containing an N1 band enhanced by annealing an additively colored crystal at 85°C. This band is tentatively ascribed to the singly ionized N1 center, N1+.

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