Contribution of Deuteron Breakup Channels to Deuteron Stripping and Elastic Scattering

We present a model of deuteron stripping and elastic scattering which treats explicitly the contributions from channels in which the deuteron is broken up into a relative S state and the target is in its ground state. An adiabatic treatment of these channels leads to a description of deuteron stripping which resembles the distorted-wave Born approximation, although a deuteron optical potential plays no role. The adiabatic approximation is shown to give a good account of 21.6-MeV elastic deuteron scattering from Ni, at least for surface partial waves, and is expected to apply to other nuclei in this mass and energy region, as well as at higher energies. The calculations assume that the effective two-nucleon-nucleus interaction is the sum of the nucleon optical potentials evaluated at one-half the incident deuteron kinetic energy. Some possible corrections to this assumption are discussed.