A model for pseudoscalar-meson-baryon and pseudoscalar-meson-baryon-resonance hpyercharge- and charge-exchange reactions at high energies is proposed, based on an octet of pairs of opposite-signature Regge poles. The model may be considered as an extension of the charge-exchange reaction model for Kp used by Phillips and Rarita, incorporating SU(3) symmetry and exchange degeneracy. In addition, the universality hypothesis is employed to extend the model to B* production. The model thus extended contains only a few parameters (essentially only 2) and agrees with all available high-energy, small-momentum-transfer data on these reactions. The energy dependences (involving no free parameters) are very good; the universality hypothesis is satisfied within narrow experimental bounds, and SU(3)-symmetric normalizations are within a factor of 2 for most cross sections at high energy.