The production of the Δ (N32,32*) and Y1*(1385) P32 isobars by π, K, and K¯ mesons is discussed. We assume the Chew-Low static model for Δ and Y1*, but do not assume anything about the exchange mechanism such as the ρ-meson exchange. It is shown that for fixed small momentum transfer and for fixed energy the decay distributions of Δ and Y1* and the distribution of the Treiman-Yang angle are equal to those predicted by the ρ (or K*) meson exchange model with M1P32 transition. This result is valid both for any elementary meson (J>0) exchange models and for the Regge-pole models. In the same approximation we obtain relations such as dσ(π+pπ0Δ++)dt=32dσ(π+nπ0p,spinflip)dt. Making use of the relation, we can predict that the spin-flip part of the πN charge-exchange scattering is very large. The Regge-pole model is applied to these processes. In the ρ (or K*) Regge-pole exchange model, the angular distributions at a large momentum transfer t1 (BeV)2 are found to be equal to those predicted by the ρ (or K*) meson exchange model with L2P32 transition.