HandDproduction by backscattering from alkali-metal targets

Measurements have been made of the total backscattered D and H yields from thick, clean targets of Cs, Rb, K, Na, and Li, bombarded with H2+, H3+, D2+, D3+ with incident energies from 0.15 to 4.0 keV/nucleus. All of the measurements were made at background pressures less than 109 Torr, and the alkali-metal targets were evaporated onto a cold substrate (T77 K) in situ to assure thick, uncontaminated targets. For each target, the H and D yields exhibited maxima (as high as 0.08 per incident proton and deuteron) at incident energies between 0.3 and 1.4 keV/nucleus. For both hydrogen and deuterium incident at any energy, the negative-ion yield decreases in going from Cs to Li in the order given above. Also, a definite isotope effect was observed for every target used, with the H yield peaking at a lower incident energy than the D yield and in most cases, the maximum H yield was higher than the maximum D yield. Measurements of the D yield as a function of Cs coverage were also made for D3+ bombarding a Ni substrate. The D yield maximized at or near the coverage at which the surface work function reached a minimum.