Three boys with isosexual precocious puberty probably caused by early gonado-trophin secretion were treated from 12 to 28 months each with medroxy-progesterone acetate. The development of these patients was observed from 3 1/2 to 12 years. Data are presented indicating that medroxy-progesterone acetate administration suppressed gonadotrophln and androgen excretion. Concomltantly, in the youngest patient, whose stage of eplphyslal maturation allowed for further growth potential, there was evidence of slowing of bone age acceleration with medroxy-progesterone acetate administration. In a 2nd, further advanced case a similar slowing was suggested. The findings indicate that, in boys with isosexual precocious puberty due to premature gonadotrophin secretion, a progestatlonal agent, if administered early enough, not only suppresses vlrlllzatlon but also shows promise of retarding bone age acceleration and thus preventing dwarfism.