The light energy emitted in a flash by single elytra of two polynoid worms has been measured, viz. Acholoë astericola and Lagisca extenuata. Maximal emission occurs at 515 mμ. Mean values for light intensity per flash from 1 elytrum are: Lagisca, 1·8 × 10−10 μJ/cm2 receptor surface at I m ; Acholoë, I·II × 10−8 μJ/cm2 receptor surface at I m. The light emitted in I flash by a single photocyte of Lagisca is 0·12 × 10−12 μJ/cm2 receptor surface at I m. It is estimated that the light from I elytrum of Lagisca could be seen by the dark-adapted human eye at 1·2 m in air.

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