Unexpected cell surface labeling in conjugates between cytotoxic T lymphocytes and target cells.

Specific binding of target cells by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) is an example of tight interaction between two different cell types. The molecular events that occur at the cell membranes during these interactions are largely unknown. In the present report, we describe an electron microscopic immunostaining study made on CTL-target cell conjugates. Various membrane structures were labeled with monoclonal antibodies specific for structures possibly relevant to cytolysis (Lyt-2, LFA-1, and target cell class I major histocompatibility antigens) or probably unrelated to the cytolytic process (effector cell class I major histocompatibility antigens). Antibodies against Thy-1 were also used. Staining was achieved with immunoperoxidase or immunoferritin. With both techniques nonconjugated cells were either stained or not, depending on whether they bore the antigen corresponding to the antibody used. However, when conjugated to an antigen-bearing cell, a "non-antigen bearing" cell was labeled near the cell interaction area. No increased Fc receptor activity could be detected on bound cells near the interaction area. These data are consistent with the occurrence of limited exchange of membrane macromolecules between bound CTL and target cell.