Isotope-Release Cytotoxicity Assay With the Use of Indium-111: Advantage Over Chromium-51 in Long-Term Assays2

The adaptation of indium-111-oxine (also known as 8-hydroxyquinoline) (111InOx) chelate for long-term (18–48 hr) isotope-release assays of cell-mediated cytotoxicity (CMC) and its advantages over the use of51Cr are described. Labeling of DBA/2 P815 mastocytoma cells with111InOx resulted in the incorporation of as many as a million counts per minute in 105 cells with no reduction in cell viability.111InOx labeled both mouse and human tumor cells.111InOx, like51Cr, primarily labeled cytoplasmic constituents; up to 80% of the label existed in a releasable form.111InOx was quantitatively released from labeled P815 in response to specifically sensitized C57BL/6 lymphocytes. The high labeling efficiency of111InOx offered a significant advantage over51Cr in 18-to 48-hour assays for CMC by reducing the counting error and thus making the assay more precise. Because of its higher labeling efficiency,111 InOx can be used in microcytotoxicity assays.111InOx has the added advantage of a lower spontaneous release in culture than51Cr. This feature of111InOx also makes the calculation of specific isotope release more accurate than that achieved with51Cr in long-term cytotoxic assays.