New Isotopes of Thorium Studied with an Improved Helium-Jet Recoil Transport Apparatus

Five neutron-deficient isotopes of thorium lighter than mass 218 were studied at the Berkeley Heavy Ion Linear Accelerator by bombardment of enriched Pb206 with O16. Silicon (Au) surface-barrier detectors were used in on-line measurements performed to determine α-decay characteristics. Mass-number assignments of Th213 through Th217 were made on the basis of excitation functions and systematic trends in α-decay properties. Half-lives and α-particle energies were determined. New information was also obtained about the α-decay characteristics of Ac216, Ra215, Fr214, and At212. Systematic occurrence of complex structure in the α decay of even-Z 125-neutron nuclei is discussed, and spins and parities are suggested for three lowest-energy levels of Ra211, Rn209, and Po207. Systematic occurrence of isomerism in odd-Z 127-neutron nuclei is also discussed, and spins and parities are suggested for several levels. On the basis of the extreme regularity of the experimental α energies, predictions are made for the energies of several unknown neutron-deficient isotopes of thorium, protactinium, uranium, and neptunium. In the experimental work, the helium-jet transport method was used to remove the α-emitting products from the target region. Technical details concerning the application of the method to millisecond activities are discussed.