Comparative Study of Electrocardiogram, Vectocardiogram, Coronary Circulation and Myocardial Metabolism in Chronic Cor Pulmonale

Combined studies, including pulmonary functions, cardiac catheterization, coronary blood flow and myocardial metabolism made it possible to show that different mechanisms are responsible for the ecg and vectorcardiographic changes seen in chronic cor pulmonale. It is certain that increased pressures and elevated pulmonary resistances are playing a role, but other important factors are involved such as a relatively insufficient coronary blood flow with myocardial hypoxia disorders. These metabolic changes are ''likely to produce electrogenetic changes of all cardiac regions and be expressed by unexpected coronarylike electro- and vectrocardiographic patterns. Other factors such as position changes of the heart, increase of cardiac output, ventricular dilatations, onset of cardiac failure may also, taken separately, modify the ecg and vectorcardiographic tracings.