To assess degree of transfer between learning an avoidance response with cortex normal and with cortex under bilateral spreading depression (BSD), rats were trained and retrained 4 1/2 hr. later in one of the following combinations: Normal to Normal (N-N), sham BSD to sham BSD (S-S), sham BSD to BSD (S-K), BSD to BSD (K-K), and BSD to sham BSD (K-S). Results indicate: (a) Groups N-N and S-S showed almost perfect transfer, (b) BSD Ss learned more slowly than N-N or sham-BSD Ss, (c) pretraining under sham BSD facilitated learning under BSD, (d) Group K-K transferred positively but less than Group S-S in relearining, (e) training under BSD did not transfer to sham BSD, (f) BSD Ss showed stereotypy.

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