Discovery rate of dysplasia and carcinoma of the uterine cervix in an urban Medical Center serving patients at high risk

File analysis based on 98,970 Pap tests on 58,053 patients from the Martland Medical Center of New Jersey, [USA] and its clinics was performed. Discovery rates, period prevalence and incidence rates were calculated for categories of mild to moderate dysplasia through invasive carcinoma. An incidence rate of 27/100,000 for invasive carcinoma was obtained, which is lower than the national average. Period prevalence and incidence rates of dysplasias are high and similar. Epidemiologic parameters may need to be studied further. The mean age for the mild to moderate dysplasia was 25.7 yr, for moderate to severe dysplasia, 29.29 yr and for carcinomia in situ, 33.25 yr. These data may imply that younger women, especially in the urban areas, are at much higher risk than previously expected.