We have considered the nonleptonic hyperon decays YN+π in the baryon pole approximation, assuming the validity of the |ΔT|=12 rule for the weak two-fermion (YN) vertices. The (ΣΛ) relative parity is assumed to be even. We have tried to solve for the two strong-coupling constants gΣ and gΛ and the four weak-vertex parameters involved in (ΣN) and (Λn) transitions from the known (experimental) hyperon-decay parameters. We find that there exist three solutions if Σ+n+π+ proceeds via S wave (Case A): Solution (i)A, gΛ24gΣ2, gΣgN0.6; Solution (ii)A, gΛ2gΣ2, gΣgN1.2; and Solution (iii)A, gΛ2gΣ24, gΣgN1.3; and only one solution if Σ+n+π+ proceeds via P wave (Case B): Solution B, gΛ2gΣ2, gΣgN0.94. These solutions are quite different from those given previously by Singh and Udgaonkar; the main reason for the difference is that they use a value of unity for the |PS| ratio in Λp+π decay, while we use a value of nearly 0.36 for the same ratio, as found experimentally. We apply all the four solutions to radiative YN+γ decays and point out experiments which could distinguish between these solutions. Given the results of a few experiments, one may be in a position to choose the most favored solution and predict the results of other experiments, thus, subjecting the model to a direct test.