The recoilless absorption spectra of the 26-keV γ rays from Dy161m in Dy161 situated in DyNi2 and in DyCo2 were measured at various temperatures. A value of (-866±30) Mc/sec was found for the magnetic hyperfine constant (g0μnHeff) of the ground state of Dy161 in DyCo2 at 4°K. This value is about 4% higher than the free-ion value calculated for the Dy+3 ions in the fully magnetized state (Jz=J) from data on electron spin resonance in dilute salts. For Dy161 in DyNi2, a value of (-818±30) Mc/sec was found for g0μnHeff at 4°K. This value corresponds to an ionic magnetic moment of (9.8±0.3)μB, which is higher than that obtained by magnetic measurements (7.1μB) and indicates probably that the Ni sublattice contributes to the total magnetization by an antiferromagnetic coupling. The isomeric shifts of Dy metal, DyFe2, DyNi2, and DyCo2 absorbers were found to be the same within the experimental errors (1.9±0.2 mm/sec relative to Dy2 O3).