A new method, not requiring chromatography, is descr. for the estimation of the concn. of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids in plasma. The substance measured is of adrenal origin, since it is reduced in patients with Addison''s disease, increased after the admn. of ACTH, and increased in plasma from the adrenal vein as compared with an artery. The range of normal concns. is 3 to 13 [mu]g./100 ml. plasma. The rate of secretion of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids was estimated in normal human subjects by collecting simultaneous samples of left renal vein and arterial blood, and determining the differences in concn. of the hormone. The rate of release of the hormone can be estimated by multiplying this difference by the renal plasma flow. In this expt., the hormone was secreted at a rate equivalent to 15 to 25 mg. of hydro-cortisone a day. The limitations of the method are discussed.