Magnetization and ESR studies of the intermetallic compounds Gd(Rh 1-xFex)2, in the region x ≤ 0.15, are reported. In the iron-free compound a resonance bottleneck is observed and a g-value of 2.01 ± 0.007 is measured for gadolinium. These are shown to be in accordance with the NMR study of the same compound. The substitution of iron for rhodium leads to the opening of the bottleneck and a change in the band character of the compound. The magnetization measurements reveal a moment of ∼ 7 μB for gadolinium in GdRh2 and the absence of moment on iron in dilute limit. The crystal structure of the series changes from cubic laves to hexagonal laves of MgZn2 type on reaching 15 at % Fe substitution