The theory of acoustic paramagnetic resonance (APR) for the Cr2+(3d4) ion at cubic crystal sites with octahedral coordination is developed for comparison with data by Marshall and Rampton for Cr2+ in MgO. An analytic model that takes explicit account of random strain is obtained and shown to predict in a simple way both the angular dependence of the resonance lines and the asymmetric line shape found experimentally. Although most Cr2+ ions experience distortions of effectively orthorhombic symmetry, the apparent presence of a tetragonal distortion at the site of the relatively few acoustically active ions is shown to result from the conditions of the experiments, in which the random strain splitting of the Cr2+ levels is typically larger than the acoustic energy quantum. Using this model, we show that the data for Cr2+ in MgO may be accounted for quantitatively if the Cr2+ is subject to a dynamic Jahn-Teller effect for which the tunneling splitting 3Γ is large compared with the spin-orbit splitting of the E5 state. This interpretation differs from one proposed previously by Fletcher and Stevens, in which a much smaller value for 3Γ was obtained. It is shown that from presently available data one cannot yet determine 3Γ or other Jahn-Teller parameters of the system with any certainty. The theory of a dynamic Jahn-Teller effect for a E5 state is developed in a general way to encompass the regime of weak Jahn-Teller coupling, which would be applicable to APR experiments on Fe2+ in tetrahedral coordination, while also including the limit of strong coupling in which the adiabatic approximation used by Fletcher and Stevens is applicable.